I've been learning some interesting tidbits about what, exactly, I'll be doing in Himeji, Japan. Firstly, my official designation is that of an "ALT" or "Assistant Language Teacher." The other position available is the "ASE" or "Assistant Supervisor of English." As an ALT, my primary function is to be a "cultural ambassador" whose goal is to get the students--and community--excited about learning English and to expose them to American culture. I'll be working with the equivalents of middle and elementary school students, as well as teaching classes to the community. My function in the classroom, from what I've learned so far, seems to be somewhere in between that of a Practicum Student (where you observe teachers for a certain amount of time, and help out in a limited sense) and a Student Teacher (which I've been doing for the last semester; where you learn how to teach and to co-teach with the help of an expe...