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Showing posts from July, 2013

*waves* Long summer, right?

Hey guys! Still a month, exactly, until I fly over to Japan! I've been formally reprimanded by some lovely students at Chandler High about my lack of blog updates this summer... And I'm here now to say that I'm still alive! I've had a very busy 8 weeks or so just trying to catch up on my sleep, and to do what I can to prepare for the move to Japan. I've been doing lots of shopping! Especially in souvenirs to give to my cooperating teachers (a very important part of living and working in Japan) and lots of cool prizes for the students--I don't want to spoil anything for them with specifics, though! But I promise they're awesome. Really awesome. Like... can I keep them for myself, maybe? I have been learning a lot about what my life will sort of be like in Japan, but until I experience it for myself I wanted to wait and hold off on sharing most of that information. However, I should at least post some interesting videos of schools in Japan, which seems f...