Much delayed, but here are some photos from the day in Kyoto! I'll write some more posts soon about some of the highlights of the first few weeks of the new school year here in Japan, as well as some photos I'll be taking on a trip to SPring-8 this weekend, so stay tuned! Toji Temple My first stop in Kyoto was to see Toji Temple (which I visited before in December for the massive flea market they hold there. I'll be doing some serious yukata-shopping there again come June 21st!). It was nice to see the temple during a sunny day, versus the rainy one it was the last time I was there. However, that darned temple is just about as impossible to photograph in daylight as it is during cloudy weather; it seems no matter what angle you try to take a photograph of it, it ends up looking like a big black box in the sky. The cherry blossoms were nice, though! And there were turtles everywhere; though they were only Red-Eared Sliders, which makes them an invasive species, but th...